Excision mass back or flank

The excision of a mass on the back or flank is a surgical procedure to remove abnormal growths on the back or flank region of the body.

Excision of Mass on Back or Flank
Excision mass back or flank


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Excision mass back or flank Procedure

The excision of a mass on the back or flank is a surgical procedure to remove abnormal growths on the back or flank region of the body. There are a few reasons why patients may undergo this procedure, including if the mass is cancerous or suspected to be cancerous, it becomes irritated, or due to cosmetic reasons. Before the procedure, the surgeon will order imaging to locate and observe the mass.

When is This Procedure Necessary?

The excision of a mass on the back or flank may become medically necessary if the growth is suspected to be cancerous or causes infection or inflammation. Early identification and treatment are essential to treat growths that raise concerns properly. Sometimes, patients may choose to excise a benign, non-irritated mass on the back or flank for cosmetic reasons. Additionally, removing the mass can prevent it from becoming malignant later on.

What To Expect

Prior to the procedure, diagnostic imaging will be ordered to identify and observe the mass. The patient will be under local or general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make an incision over the mass and will use specialized tools to carefully remove it. If the mass is or is suspected to be cancerous, the surgeon will remove nearby tissue to ensure all malignant material is removed. When the goal of the procedure has been achieved, the surgeon will close the incision and the patient will be monitored as they are removed from anesthesia.

After the procedure, it is normal for patients to experience pain or discomfort in the region where the incision was made. Often, the doctor will prescribe pain medication to help patients manage discomfort. Patients should contact their doctor if they notice any abnormal symptoms such as irritation, infection, or swelling.

Excision mass back or flank with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand the complexities of healthcare. Today, many procedures and treatments are unattainable due to their lofty price. The average cost of this is a number that a limited amount of the population can afford. Therefore, it is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve.

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