Chalazion Procedure

A chalazion procedure, also known as chalazion removal or excision, is a surgical procedure to treat a chalazion bump.

Chalazion Procedure
Chalazion Procedure


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Chalazion Procedure Procedure

A chalazion procedure, also known as chalazion removal or excision, is a surgical procedure to treat a chalazion, which is a swelling or lump in the eyelid caused by a blocked oil gland. This is a common condition that usually resolves on its own within a few weeks, however, if it persists and the chalazion symptoms are severe, this procedure may become necessary.

During this procedure, the ophthalmologist will remove any built-up fluid from the chalazion. A chalazion procedure is effective in providing relief from chalazion symptoms as it will reduce inflammation and swelling.


When is This Procedure Necessary?

A chalazion is a common condition that affects many individuals. Oftentimes, this condition can be managed through a range of at-home treatments including warm compresses and over-the-counter treatments. However, in the case these treatments do not provide lasting relief, patients should consult their doctor for a more informed opinion. If the chalazion grows larger than 8mm and causes significant chalazion symptoms, the eye doctor will likely recommend surgery. 

Patients who experience the following symptoms may need to undergo surgery to remove the chalazion:

  • Blurred vision
  • Signs of infection such as redness, tenderness, or pus discharge
  • Severe pain
  • The chalazion is not going away on its own

What To Expect

Chalazion excision is a quick and simple surgical procedure performed on an outpatient basis. Patients will receive local anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will place an eyelid holder to stabilize the eyelid and ensure the eye is safe. Next, the surgeon will make a very small incision over the chalazion to drain the fluid. When the goal of the procedure is achieved, the surgeon will apply topical ointment to the eye. 

After the procedure, it is normal for patients to experience swelling and soreness around the area for a few days. It is very important that patients closely follow all instructions provided by the doctor, as these are crucial to a successful recovery plan. Patients should follow up with their doctor a week or two after surgery to ensure a successful recovery.

Chalazion Procedure with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand the complexities of healthcare. In many cases, procedures and treatments are unaffordable because of their high price tags. Our direct pay option allows patients without insurance access to quality healthcare. It is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve.


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