Epigastric Hernia Repair
Epigastric hernia repair is a surgical procedure to repair a hernia in the epigastric region. Learn more about epigastric hernias here.
Procedure - Epigastric Hernia
Epigastric Hernia Repair


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Epigastric Hernia Repair Procedure

An epigastric hernia is a type of abdominal hernia that occurs when fat or tissue protrudes through weak areas in the abdomen, specifically in the epigastrium, which is the upper middle part of the abdomen between the rib cage and belly button. The primary causes of epigastric hernias are obesity and pregnancy, but they can develop for other reasons as well. Epigastric hernia repair is a surgical procedure to repair a hernia in the epigastric region. It involves making a small incision at the site of the hernia and carefully pushing back any protruded abdominal contents.

When is This Procedure Necessary?

Generally, epigastric hernias do not require surgery. Many patients with this condition can live comfortably and do not necessarily need surgery. While some small epigastric hernias are asymptomatic and may not require immediate intervention, larger hernias can cause significant discomfort characterized by pain, tenderness, or abdominal distension. If patients begin experiencing these symptoms, they may be a candidate for surgery.

What To Expect

Patients will be under general or local anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make a small incision over the region where the hernia is located. The surgeon will then carefully identify and isolate the hernia sac, which contains the abdominal organs that have pushed through. This sac is either dissected or pushed back into place, allowing for reinforcement of the weakened muscles and fascial layers using sutures or mesh. The goal is to create a strong barrier that prevents further organ displacement. When the goal of the procedure has been achieved, the surgeon will close the incision and the patient will be removed from the anesthesia.

Immediately after the surgery, patients may experience pain and discomfort in the surgical area, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Most patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting for several weeks post-surgery. Follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor the progress of healing and address any concerns that may arise.

Epigastric Hernia Repair with Smith Medical

At Smith Medical, we understand the complexities of healthcare. Today, many procedures and treatments are unattainable due to their lofty price. The average cost of this is a number that a limited amount of the population can afford. Therefore, it is Smith Medical’s mission to provide our patients with the accessible, transparent, and quality care they deserve.

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