Exam Under Anesthesia

A pelvic exam under anesthesia involves the insertion of a speculum into the patient’s vagina to visualize and examine the cervix.

Procedure - Exam Under Anesthesia (Gynecology)
Exam Under Anesthesia


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Exam Under Anesthesia Procedure

A pelvic exam under anesthesia, also known as a gynecological exam, is a medical procedure performed on individuals who are otherwise uncomfortable undergoing a pelvic exam while awake. Although this procedure is somewhat uncommon, it is incredibly important to have it as an option for certain individuals. A pelvic exam under anesthesia involves the insertion of a speculum into the patient’s vagina to visualize and examine the cervix.

When is This Procedure Necessary?

Pelvic exams can be recommended for several reasons, but are most commonly performed to diagnose patients experiencing symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, discharge, or pelvic pain. While pelvic exams are fairly common, this procedure is occasionally performed when the patient is under anesthesia, and this is less common. While this procedure is less common, it can be warranted in cases where patients have experienced significant physical trauma, are uncooperative with conscious exams due to anxiety or fear-induced muscle tension, or require simultaneous surgical interventions like intrauterine device (IUD) placement or biopsy.

What To Expect

This procedure is performed by a licensed gynecologist. During a pelvic exam under anesthesia, patients are under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout. The clinician then uses specialized instruments such as a speculum and a colposcope to visualize and examine different pelvis areas for abnormalities or signs of disease. This examination may include taking biopsies or cultures for further analysis if necessary. After completing the examination, post-operative care includes monitoring vital signs during recovery until consciousness is regained fully and evaluating wound healing progress when applicable.

Exam Under Anesthesia with Smith Medical

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