In the competitive healthcare landscape, patients are increasingly seeking cost-effective and transparent medical options. Smith Medical, a leading healthcare provider in Denver, Colorado, has recognized this need and is pioneering a revolutionary approach to surgery costs: cash-pay, insurance-free procedures.

By connecting our patients to a range of different operations and procedures at affordable prices we hope to create a diverse and well-rounded landscape within the medical field that focuses on cost transparency and integrity.

The Burden of High Surgical Costs

Traditionally, surgical procedures have been associated with exorbitant costs, often leaving patients with overwhelming medical debts. Insurance coverage, while intended to provide financial assistance, can introduce complex billing processes, deductibles, and co-pays, further burdening patients.

These complications place unnecessary roadblocks in front of patients who are looking for medically necessary operations such as an arthroscopic labral repair, an excision plantar granuloma, or an anterior cervical discectomy with an artificial disc placement

When patients are recommended surgery for knee conditions, ENT surgery, or more, they are often referred to a practice or hospital that does not have clear and easy pricing. Many patients find themselves digging around for costs through their insurance, connecting with hospital billing, or waiting on approvals- an unnecessary and unfair practice that pushes patients to commit to surgery before pricing is clear. 

Smith Medical’s Solution: Cash-Pay Surgery

Smith Medical has taken a bold step to address this issue of unclear pricing by offering cash-pay surgery options that bypass insurance companies altogether. These procedures are priced transparently, providing patients with an upfront quote that covers all associated expenses, including anesthesia, operating room fees, and surgeon fees.

Smith Medical is a Direct Specialty Care ambulatory surgery center focusing on outpatient operations and creating a better medical environment. 

Benefits of Cash-Pay Surgery at Smith

Cost Savings: By eliminating insurance middlemen, cash-pay surgeries significantly reduce overall costs. Smith Medical’s procedures typically reduce up to 60% of the cost than comparable procedures performed through insurance. Why does this happen? We cut the labor and upcharges that hospitals and clinics need to include due to the margins that insurance takes from the profit of the surgery, and we do not have insurance processing, so labor is cut down significantly. 

Transparency: Patients receive a clear and detailed breakdown of all costs involved, ensuring no hidden fees or unexpected expenses. Traditionally patients do not find out the cost of their surgery upfront when they are in the doctor’s office. At Smith Medical we want to make sure our patients have a clear understanding of cost and financial burden. All of our prices are listed on our website. 

Control: Patients have complete control over their medical decisions and are not bound by insurance coverage limitations or pre-approvals.Instead of waiting on preapprovals, authorizations, and multiple forms of therapy before you get the surgery you know you need, you can come to Smith and we will be as straightforward as possible for your needs. 

Convenience: Cash-pay surgeries offer greater flexibility in scheduling and appointment availability, reducing wait times and minimizing disruptions to patients’ lives.

Focus on Patients’ Financial Well-being

Smith Medical’s focus on transparent operation costs is a testament to its commitment to patients’ financial well-being. By providing affordable and accessible surgery options, they empower patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare without worrying about breaking the bank.

Examples of Cash-Pay Surgery Options:

Smith Medical offers a wide range of cash-pay surgery options, including:

  • Arthroscopic Labral Repair (shoulder; implants not included): $7,889.00
  • Excision plantar granuloma: $3,586.00
  • Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Artificial Disc Placement: $17,384
  • Breast Mass Excision, Bilateral: $7,470
  • Hemorrhoidectomy and Umbilical Hernia Repair: $5,873

In the face of rising healthcare costs, Smith Medical’s transparent operation costs and insurance-free surgery options offer a beacon of hope for patients in Denver, Colorado. 

By providing affordable, convenient, and predictable pricing, Smith Medical is revolutionizing the way surgery is delivered, empowering patients to take control of their medical decisions and prioritize their financial well-being.

The Smith Way: Personalized Care

With many healthcare practices, information is passed along and can be misconstrued. Normally the receptionist you chat with over the phone is different from your initial patient coordinator, your nurses and staff glance at your chart for the first time when you finally walk in the door. 

At Smith Medical we don’t do this. By the time you walk through the doors of our facility, our nurses, staff, and patient coordinators all know your name, understand your operation needs, and want to provide the best care possible for your needs.

This is what we mean by personalized care. You aren’t just another number, case, or procedure that needs to get done. 

You are a person who is taking a serious step to improve your health by committing to surgery. We get that. Undergoing surgery is a serious process. We want to connect with you in a way you deserve. 

Get the care you deserve: Connect with Smith Medical today. 

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